December 10, 2004
Ann Althouse asks for a metaphor for a $53,000 truffle that rotted in the refrigerator while the chef took a vacation.
The Marvellous Truffle
Fungus had we enough, and time,
Chilliness, chef, would be no crime.
We'd salivate on holiday,
Travel, and appetite delay.
Our vegetable love could be
Anticipated fricassee.
But at our back we sadly hear
The cosmic porcine snuffling near,
The news is bad, the news is dour,
Our budget undone by its allure.
Sweet succulence no more be found,
Virgin, unsliced, now in the ground.
And we're off to carpe a gorgeous Central Texas diem. Et tu?
Update: Welcome Althouse readers, to G as in Good H as in Happy. Come back any time. As at Chez Ann, comments disabled but e-mail welcome. good_and_happy "at" yahoo "dot" com.