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Bob Yu

As a Canadian, that's all we talked about at the office. One guy was wondering why we weren't out there rioting to remove them from their current positions. The publication ban has been lifted thankfully.


Thanks, Bob, for a dispatch from the Canadian Front. In my psychologically formative youth, among the religious circles in which I grew up, there was an intense investment in information control of the hoi polloi, quite like the recent ECUSA establishment and some of the factions. I developed an intense drive to air the Full Relevant Story, by bullhorn conspiracy if necessary...

Someone once said of a writer (Dorothy Parker?) that she made a career out of "things better left unsaid." I think there is such a category -- better left unsaid -- for lots of reasons, but I am very testy as to who defines "better." Not those who are corrupt and profiting by the secrecy. Nor those who wish to help the pompous avoid embarrassment. Nor the Nanny types who have nothing interesting to say, but prefer that the rest of us nod and dodder amongst the teacups lest the slower readers be challenged.

C'est ne pas "moi, Dilys."

Bob Yu

Hear, hear!

I never understood why some people got intensely emotional over a politican until now. I have never felt oppressed or manipulated by the government until now.

This kiddie treatment of citizens must stop (you are too young to know this), and I will contribute to that first step by voting for anybody but Liberal candidate.

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