The geographically and historically wide-ranging holiday fable has concluded prematurely, and Kirby...
-- "this former associate" indelibly associated with certain "inappropriate and inflammatory comments" regarding the provenance of the Feast of Christmas -- Kirby has been fired.
Final Update:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said Thursday that a customer-service employee named Kirby longer worked for Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Fogleman said Kirby's e-mail [was] sent without any review by other employees. [Ed. Why?]
We look forward to learning on some uneventful day in the future about his and his numerous cohort's next adventures. In the meantime we urgently and sincerely solicit him for an interview on the subject of:
A Unique Perspective on the Difficulties the Broadly-educated Recent Graduate May Encounter in Contemporary Corporate Customer Service.
Update: The eponymous Good Heart expresses the familiar ambivalence that is all-too-human among those on the sidelines of any entertaining fiasco, where no blood flows and the comedy is, ultimately, painless:
I was sort of hoping that Kirby would rise to become a Wal-Mart vice president and get them really screwed up.
No worries, Kirby will find his calling somewhere. If there is any justice, Good&Happy will uncover the next iteration.
Maybe he'll marry Krystal and form a PR firm with Andrew.
[Note to self: Archive these atrocities. The full text of newspaper stories can disappear.]