January 20, 2006
The extremely accomplished and respected psychology researcher Martin Seligman finally has had it with what he concludes is a NYTimes prejudice-to-conspiracy involving outright lies against admitting the benefits of happiness and virtue.
What do these books and stories have in common? They are good news. They suggest that virtue, well-being, nobility, happiness, and meaning are all within the realm of human possibility, and that life is not just unmitigated tragedy, violence, and meaninglessness. And they are based on solid, painstaking science ... But no review.
Sometimes, even an optimist has to call a spade a spade, and hypothesize about the holes it is digging.
If you wonder why our young people are in the midst of an epidemic of depression and meaninglessness in the presence of unprecedented wealth, education, and opportunity, you might start with what they read in the New York Times.
Via Dr. Sanity