Dilys sometimes has an unfortunate tendency to talk as though she has been appointed to lay down the law for all and sundry, and to characterize and dismiss them as it pleases her. This behavior has been kindly forgiven by her colleagues as her "Old Testament" mode. Frankly, during Lent, only one part of the Old Testament is pertinent.
Thanks to all, they know who they are, indeed everyone in her scope, for their patience.
Drawing incorporates a fine basswood carving shown here.
Dilys, I love your graphics...the pink dinosaur is adorable...now do you do them yourself?
Posted by: Liquid | March 31, 2006 at 07:06 PM
I wish I had a crew of graphics professionals on tap, but, in their absence...
Thanks for the compliment.
Posted by: dilys | March 31, 2006 at 08:39 PM
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