June 23, 2008
The prosecutor's non-explanation of "lost evidence" about a child's death is too vague to offer a foothold for any opinions.
It does, however, suggest that someone "wasn't doing his/her job." That phrase is usually a blanket judgemental condemnation delivered in a disgusted and superior tone; but from the standpoint of jobs and careers nationwide, it probably discloses one more symptom of being vague about what one's gifts and strengths actually are, and what kinds of responsibility match them.
In Myers Briggs terms, someone inspired by the idea of helping law enforcement, or seizing just any job (s)he can find for the paycheck, may not have the kind of mind that relishes order and systems, storing and retrieving property. They have other capabilities. In a job that does not match one's "type," sooner or later this kind of entropy sets in.
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