April 17, 2006
Much of the time, we at Chez Dilys are overeducated all-purpose dilettante amateurs, sputtering or opinionating on some matter we have tried to think through, but about which we have no particularly specialized information. We particularly appreciate the part of the blogosphere that taps experts we wouldn't otherwise get to talk to.
So when an apparently real risk analyst [his wide-ranging web site] addresses the Borders and Comedy Central capitulations to the spectre of angry Muslims*, we take notice:
In both the case of Comedy Central and Borders, neither appears to have
followed any reasonable risk management application that would be
expected pursuant to their executive responsibility.... Numerous more appropriate mitigation/response strategies appear to have been ignored.
This harks back to our cri de coeur to the clumsily ineffective -- who is sometimes us.
We leave to our own resident experts to qualify his ideas on energy catalysts.
*A risk the great Dante undertook, without censoring The Divine Comedy. A recent Italian cartoon of Mohammed's role
in that great art work "drew immediate fire from Italy's Muslim community."
What truly cannot be countenanced is anything that outlaws major parts of the inheritance of Western civilization. Dante, or the Bible, or Shakespeare, are fit fodder for argument. But not to be mothballed in dhimmitude.