August 30, 2005
It seems wrong, narrow, narcissistic, merely to be grateful to have been out of the swath of Katrina, ourselves.
So much misery.
The texture of life in the city, its history cannot be put back.
It's breaking my heart to see the filthy water submerging those little shotgun houses. Unless you've seen it with your own eyes, you cannot grasp just how utterly poor "the poor" of New Orleans are--100,000 of them at the very least. They have nothing left. What government or charitable agencies can feed, house, and support such numbers for long months to come?
So much contemptible human failure, turning the screws on each other.
Looting has also escalated and an atmosphere of lawlessness has developed.
How in the name of a mysterious and sublime Providence can this be eventually turned to good...? Too big for our contemplation, too sad for now to ponder other than to contribute what we can, and be prompted to cherish our fellow man nearby and far away. And, legitimately, be prepared to be cheered by the astonishing resilience of decent people.
We'll be quiet for awhile.