Stimulated by access to Einstein's exceptional brain, a diligent brain-researcher has teased out not only more male-female neurological differences, but just about put paid to doubts that the differences exist.
"The relationships that we were finding were always — and I do mean always — different for men and women"... [D]ifferences in the size of the corpus callosum were linked to IQ scores for verbal ability, but only in women. She found that memory was linked to how tightly neurons were packed, but only in men.
[In ageing,] "There is something going on in the male brain," she said, "that is not going on in the female brain."
Einstein, she was convinced, had been born with a one-in-a-billion brain.
And a child has appeared who displays more secrets, to be treated with patience as well as curiosity.
Via Richard Royce
John at Powerline asks the $50,000,000 question: Is it too late for Harvard to get its money back?